Philippe: First of all, you can put the lighter here. What’s your name?
Marlo: Marlo.
Philippe: Marlo
Marlo: Doofus. Call me doofus.
Philippe: Doofus?
Marlo: Yes.
Philippe: Okay. All right. I’m Phillip, nice to meet you. Now, Take the aluminium paper and check if there is something inside.
Marlo: Okay, there is nothing inside of it. No cocaine. Nothing— actually smells like baloney.
Philippe: Yeah! Okay, now cut it however you want.
Marlo: Just rip it?
Philippe: Yes and keep one part for you one part for me.
Marlo: Okay.
Philippe: And now you make a ball. Okay, show me the ball.
Marlo: This one?
Philippe: Yeah. Okay, perfect. Perfect. Perfect. Perfect. Everybody see the little ball is very, very, very little.
Marlo: Okay. Well, I’m embarrassed now, you know?
Philippe: Yes, yes. And I use this little thing in my pocket.
Marlo: Okay.
Philippe: It’s just a pin.
Marlo: Yes. Okay.
Philippe: Okay, watch. And I have a question for you and for everybody. If I light the little ball, what’s going to happen? It’s going to burn yes or no,
Marlo: No.
Philippe: Okay. Let’s try. And you’re right! It’s not working. That’s normal because it’s aluminum. but I’m a magician. So the magician— they give you know, like magic, right? Yes. Try to imagine that it’s in fire.
Marlo: Okay. I’m imagining it. Yes, there we go. I can see it now.
Philippe: When you have a dream you have to believe in your dream.
Marlo: Okay, so for that I’m gonna believe in that person’s dream.
Philippe: Dream magic! (lights aluminum ball)
Marlo: Oh, whoa! I have no eyebrows left!
Philippe: Let’s do it again and do it again. 1,2,3
Marlo: What in the world! It’s like a volume control for fire.
Philippe: Yeah! Do you wanna try? (Talks to audience) Thank you very much.