Bring Magical Stories to Life with Levita

Philippe: First of all, you can put the lighter here. What’s your name? Marlo: Marlo. Philippe: Marlo Marlo: Doofus. Call me doofus. Philippe: Doofus? Marlo: Yes. Philippe: Okay. All right. I’m Phillip, nice to meet you. Now, Take the aluminium paper and check if there is something inside. Marlo: Okay, there is nothing inside of […]

Imprint in Colors with E-Mark

Marlo: Do you have maybe a package you want to send out and you want to have it marked with your logo on it, you know, and you don’t want to order 1000 boxes to make that happen. Maybe you have a party in your office that you want to maybe perhaps some printed napkins […]

Hassle Free Tea Time with Bru

Marlo: One of the challenges for tea lovers is the length of time a lot of times it takes to make tea. Well, I’m visiting with Bogdan, here he is with a company called Bru out of Switzerland, of course known for hot chocolate, right? And maybe other chocolate things, but I think you might […]

Real Life Mario Kart Experience with Battle Racing

Marlo: Mario Kart fans, I am standing next to Mauricio. And he has the most amazing unique. I don’t know what you want to call this—- this car. It works. If you’re a Mario Kart fan, you’re gonna love this. So tell me about what you got going on here with Battle Racing. Mauricio: So, […]

Your Privacy Matters with Santor

Marlo: Standing next to me is Alexander with Santor. Now these guys have a solution to maybe a lot of the security challenges that we have nowadays, right, especially with Google and your Alexa device in your house because they’re always on right? Isn’t that right? Alexandre: Exactly. Well, if you start thinking before, there […]

Stay Safe from Germs With Soapy

Marlo: Taking care of your hands, sanitizing your hands have become a big deal in the last couple years. It’s always been a big deal. But of course, it’s front and center nowadays. So Max, right over here has a solution that really, especially with children, right,  but let’s talk about your innovation and tell […]

Find your Zodiac Constellation with Vaionis Telescopes

Marlo: One of the problems I always have, I love looking at the stars, but using a telescope can be kind of a challenge, you know, looking through the eyepiece, trying to find the location of stars, Cyril of Vaionis has actually come up with a very, very interesting telescope. So tell us about it. […]

Play Games Hands Free With This New Smart Device!

Marlo: I am standing next to Aryeh, the happy pirate!  Arrr! I love that. So, Six Degrees!  They got some exciting innovations helping with disabilities. So, tell us a little bit about it. Aryeh: So, we created Six Degrees, it’s a learning algorithm that tries to adapt and understand what a person is doing. Once […]